Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Tip #4

More Registry.

I've been thinking this evening on what would be helpful for everyone. And since there haven't been requests for specific information, I wanted to continue from the Tip #3 with more registry information.

I am going to go into more detail on the items that you will use every day. And the things you will need as soon as you get home.

First and foremost, blankets. I can't tell you how many blankets you will use. But no matter who you are, I'm betting you'll use atleast 5 a day. Who knows, your baby might be a messy eater, and I've found that using a receiving blanket is tons easier than a small burp cloth for bottle/feeding time. Don't think you won't want a few burp clothes, because they are easier for travel. You can never have too many small receiving blankets though. You won't use too many thick blankets unless your baby is born in early fall and its cold where you live. From my experience I can recommend registering for 2-3 thick blankets for cold days and cuddling, 10 receiving blankets, and about 5 burp clothes. You should also know that these will go in the wash daily. You will always be washing baby blankets. Oh, and that reminds me....if you don't already know, you should wash all baby things before baby arrives. You want to use a mild detergent and one for sensative skin or they have specially marked laundry detergents that mention they are for infants. I have used Dreft in the past and its a great one to try.

Bottles. Everyone thinks they need a million bottles. But to keep your dish load to a minimum in the sink I wouldn't get more than six. Unless you travel a lot there will be no need for more than six bottles. They should be rinsed and cleaned after every feeding and therefore they would be ready for the next use. If your infant will go to a day care that requires a bottle for each feeding then six would be plenty for a full day. You shouldn't need more than that for the day care. Another reason you won't want to get too many to start off is because your baby might turn out to have a sensative system and then would require a different bottle, one that doesn't allow air to pass through while eating. If you are planning to breastfeed and think you won't need very many bottles, having some on hand would be a good idea. Putting them on the registry now and not having to worry about it after baby arrives is a good plan. There are numerous bottles out there. The fewer pieces the better, and the wider the better too, both easier for cleaning and transporting. It can get overwhelming when picking just one brand, so ask questions if you have any.

Onesies. Having a good amount of onesies and sleepers is a good idea. There will be quite a few days in the beginning of baby's life that he/she won't even get out of pjs. And soon enough you'll find outfits that are 0-3 months size and baby's now 4 months old and grown out of those cute outfits. Keep in mind the comfort and convenience of the clothing that you are selecting. Although all those dresses are really cute, don't forget to consider the reality and that those cute dresses hike up on tiny baby girl and then get formula all over them....and are costly. Save the cute dresses for when she's walking and she can show off the adorable clothing. But onesies will be worn quite often. They're good for pjs. Good for under shirts or jackets. And be worn for a casual day with sweats. I would get atleast 10 onesies on your registry.

Diapers & wipes. You can NEVER have too many diapers and wipes. You'll want to place some up in the nursery and some down in a high traffic area where baby will play and also have some constantly packed and ready to go in the diaper bag. If your baby turns out to grow quicker than you had expected and you have extra small sized diapers, just pass them along to the next mommy you know. They are great gifts and it doesn't matter if they are opened or not, they will be used and the mommy will be greatful to have received them from you. I do recommend going to the store and finding out the different textures and fits of the diapers. They all fit differently and they are all priced differently. Some might rub on baby and create irritation, and some won't. Its a learning process. But nonetheless you will be needing many many many diapers and wipes. Also in the wipes category, add some that are in the "on-the-go" containers so they can be handy for travel in the console in the car, throw in the bottom of the stroller, or have in the kitchen for messy lunch time. Wipes will become your best friend.

Gosh there are so many things. I will post more tomorrow as far as tips for registries. Please remember to ask questions so that I can cover the bases for the thoughts and concerns you are having. If no questions then I'll continue to post the tips that I feel are helpful in general. Thank you for following!

Trace. NV Photography. Fort Scott, KS. http://nvphotoedge.blogspot.com/

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